Saturday, April 28, 2012


          As I mentioned briefly in a previous post in the new sequel Avatar: The Legend of Korra the antagonists are a group of people who are against benders of any kind. From what I have learned so far in the first new episodes they are led by a man named Amon who wears a mask and is against benders, seeing them as corrupt individuals who abuse their powers. 
          In a way he does have a point. In both series you witness benders who misuse their bending powers. Benders from all nations-not just the fire nation-used their powers to kidnap, enslave, and even kill others. It is an incredible ability and if I lived in that world I would definitely want to be able to bend an element. However, even if I was not able to manipulate fire, water, earth or air I would still be alright because as awesome as bending is, it is not what make a person awesome. 

          My favorite character is the series is Sokka and in the group of heroes he is the only on who can't bend. How does someone with no capabilities become my favorite? Well for starters it is because of his personality. The kid is absolutely hilarious and is obviously the comic relief in this show. He's witty and curious and very very very sarcastic (he calls himself the "meat and sarcasm guy" in an episode). This combination gets him into all kinds of crazy situations. And sure his friends help him get out of trouble but he also helps them because he is intelligent and possess a great imagination. 

          Besides the episodes themselves the creators also created these funny, mini shorts that serve as self-parodies of the series. This overly exaggerated bending battle does show one thing that happens to Sokka a lot during the series. By hanging out with a group of benders he does suffer a lot of bending accidents. Despite being soaked by Katara's water bending or being blown away by Aang's air bursts from time to time he always manages to get back on his feet. It is the way he makes me and brother laugh and the things that he accomplishes by being intelligent, resourceful, and inventive that make him a hero in my book any day 



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